Read [PDF/KINDLE] Untamed (The Crystal Island, #2) Free Read

Author: Incmedia

Read [PDF/KINDLE] Untamed (The Crystal Island, #2) Free Read by Incmedia - Free download as PDF file (.pdf) or read online for free.

Now You Access Untamed (The Crystal Island, #2) by Lilian T. James Read More : Synopsis : Vera had always hoped to one day leave Matherin. To travel the world and escape a life that was never meant for her.Bhasura would have everything she could ever want. Freedom, respect, family, and her mate. Her aitanta.But behind the island?s beautiful cities and smiling citizens, she can hear the lies poisoning their stories.She wants to believe it's all in her head, but a dark anger starts to grow inside her, and she can't ignore the feeling that something is wrong.Something besides the vivid dreams that plague her sleep the moment she sets foot on the island.?**Content includes descriptions of torture, detailed intimacy, and dubious consent

Pages: 1
Date: 2024.07.25
Size: 79.5 kB
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