Get [PDF/EPUB] Very Bad Company Full Access

Autor: Incmedia

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Now You Access Very Bad Company by Emma Rosenblum Visit This Website : Synopsis : Every year executives at the trendy tech startup Aurora gather the company?s top employees for an exclusive retreat in Miami and this year, Caitlin Levy?Aurora?s newest hire?is joining the team as Head of Events. The benefits are outstanding: a seven-figure salary, stock shares, a discretionary bonus, and limitless vacation days. What could possibly go wrong?When another high-level executive vanishes after the first night, the disappearance has the potential to derail the future of the company?s sale and cost everyone on the team millions. Now more than ever Caitlin and her colleagues must continue the charade?partaking in team-building exercises, group brainstorms, and dinners?to keep the future of Aurora afloat amid the fatal speculations.

Páginas: 1
Fecha: 2024.07.25
Tamaño: 106 kB
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