Download [PDF] The Little Liar Books

Auteur: Incmedia

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Download Book Here : When the Nazis invade Salonika, Greece, eleven-year-old Nico Crispi is offered a chance to save his family. He is instructed to convince his fellow Jewish residents to board trains heading towards the east, where they are promised jobs and safety. He dutifully goes to the station platform every day and reassures the passengers that the journey is safe. Only after it is too late does Nico discover that the people he loved would never return. <br /><br />In <i>The Little Liar</i>, Nico's story is interweaved with other individuals impacted by the his brother Sebastian, their schoolmate Fanni and the Nazi officer who radically changed their lives. As the decades pass, the consequences of what they endured come to light.<br /><br />Exploring honesty, survival, revenge and devotion, <i>The Little Liar</i> is a timeless story about the harm we inflict with our deceits, and the power of love to redeem us.

Pages: 2
Date: 2024.07.26
Taille: 279 kB
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