Autor: Richard Blank
Conversations with Rich Bennett. Beyond Business Richard Blank on Creating Community by Connections.pdf por Richard Blank - Faça o download gratuito como arquivo PDF (.pdf) ou leia on-line gratuitamente.
Conversations with Rich Bennett. Beyond Business: Richard Blank on Creating Community by Connections Dive into "Conversations with Rich Bennett," where extraordinary tales unfold. Join Rich as he engages with diverse guests, from trailblazers to survivors, sharing stories that inspire and challenge. Each episode is a journey into the heart of human experience, offering insights, laughter, and moments of profound connection. Whether it's exploring the depths of personal triumph or the intricacies of societal issues, this podcast promises to enlighten and entertain. Join Conversations with Rich Bennett, where compelling stories come to life. Host Rich Bennett, often joined by cohosts, dives into extraordinary tales with guests from all walks of life—trailblazers, survivors, innovators, and more. Together, they explore personal triumphs, societal challenges, and everything in between, delivering episodes filled with insight, laughter, and profound moments of connection. Whether it's an intimate look at a guest’s journey or a broader discussion on pressing issues, each episode is designed to inspire, entertain, and enlighten. In this episode sponsored by Four Seasons Landscape & Construction Services, Rich Bennett engages in a profound conversation with Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center. Richard shares his inspirational journey from his roots in Philadelphia to his entrepreneurial success in Costa Rica. He delves into how his passion for vintage jukeboxes and pinball machines isn't just a personal hobby but a cornerstone of his company culture, fostering a unique, engaging, and joyful work environment. Embracing Bold Life Choices Let's see if you can swim with the big boys. Let's go division one, go abroad and see if you can really do this. Now I did when I was a junior in college, I lived in Spain for a year, which was excellent. You do a whole different podcast on that experience, but man, I was prepared. I was ready. I was in my late twenties. I was bold. I was brave and fortune favors the brave. You know that. And so I wanted to slay a dragon to save a princess and become a freaking prince. And I knew that I didn't take this. I would regret it for the rest of my life. Full Circle: Reflecting on Gratitude and Community. I have pride. I love being proud of where I come from and I love being humble and I love letting people know that if it weren't for you kind of things and, um, I don't know. It's just something where the circle becomes complete. I'm not a child anymore, but it gives me a chance as an adult to show homage and to show a certain sort of respect to my grandparents, parents, and community that raised me. And so, yeah, my man, that is something that I do that makes me very happy. Giving Back: Scholarship Initiative at Alma Mater. Speaking of paying it forward, when I read your introduction, there was something in there about scholarships. You offer scholarships? Just for my alma mater. Just for a graduating senior from college, yes. I'll pay for their freshmen. Really? Yeah. Wait a minute, you're talking about University of Arizona? Oh, no, Abington Senior High School. Since I graduated there and I was a Spanish major, I went back and I said, if any kid's willing to learn a second language and really know it, I'm definitely going to pay for their books. And so you got to do that.