Read [EPUB/PDF] Chainsaw Man, Vol. 11 Full Access

作者: Incmedia

Read [EPUB/PDF] Chainsaw Man, Vol. 11 Full Access 作者: Incmedia - 以 PDF 文件格式(.pdf)免费下载或免费在线阅读。

Now You Access Chainsaw Man, Vol. 11 by Tatsuki Fujimoto Visit This Website : Synopsis : Denji's a poor young man who'll do anything for money, even hunting down devils with his pet devil-dog Pochita. But his life gets turned upside down when he's betrayed by someone he trusts. Now with the power of a devil inside him, Denji's become a whole new man?Chainsaw Man!Chainsaw Man has escaped Makima?s attempts to control him so far, but she now reveals the full extent of her plans. Denji will need the help of his remaining friends if he is to have any chance of defeating Makima in their final confrontation!

页面: 1
日期: 2024.07.25
大小: 164 kB
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