Download [PDF] Roundabout Books

作者: Incmedia

Download [PDF] Roundabout Books 作者: Incmedia - 以 PDF 文件格式(.pdf)免费下载或免费在线阅读。

Download Book Here : Ovid Dullann works as an assistant accountant for a multinational corporation and is supporting a family of four; but abruptly, on his forty-ninth birthday, Ovid runs away from his daily work and his loving family to go on a road trip. Struck by inspiration, Ovid knows that an Author is writing about him, and will do anything to avoid acting as a protagonist of a book. But this Author will not abandon his pursuit, and vows to punish Ovid, his wayward protagonist.

页面: 2
日期: 2024.07.26
大小: 1.08 MB
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